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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
First Southern District - D-Train 2024
MARCH 15 - 17, 2024
Training Session Overview
AUXAIR (Part 1 & 2): A full day session that will include the following: AUXAIR CRM REFRESHER, Crew Resource Management/ GAR 2.0, AUXAIR Egress Training - ditching and water survival, AUXAIR Medical, Hypothermia avoidance and recognition FAA REGS, FAA FAR's.
INSTRUCTORS: Carl England & Steve Trupkin
AUXAIR OBSERVER: The four hour Observer Training class goes through all the ground based preparation for being an AUXAIR Observer. This session will include: Coast Guard Regulations, Safety, Navigation, Mission Expectations, Procedures, Tips and tricks to provide the best product for the CG, and Photography Training.
INSTRUCTOR: Eric Wickberg and Seth Spiller
AUXFS Basic Class: This Basic AUXFS Class will include the AUXFS PowerPoint, some hands-on training, and the open book/notes AUXFS Exam. Once completed you will need only to obtain the First of 2 Hepatitis A Shots and a medical screening and then you will be ready to cook at a CG Station under the supervision of a CS or an AUXFS as you complete your PQS and earn your AUXFS Qualification.
INSTRUCTORS: John Ouderkirk & Sally Hansen
AWARDS WRITING: Specific criteria, wording and sample awards will be demonstrated and discussed. This session will give you all the information that you need to write awards.
INSTRUCTOR: Michael Barth
BASIC NAVIGATION & PLOTTING: Refresh your skills or learn some new ones. Review the five basic procedures that are the essentials to chart plotting for navigation. These skills help you to navigate without electronics or can augment your GPS navigation. We will cover determining the “address” for a point on a chart, plotting a compass course to steer, determining time of arrival, dead reckoning and visual piloting. This short session will be “Hands on” so bring a pair of dividers and a parallel rule or rolling ruler if you have them.
INSTRUCTOR: Laurel Carlson
CORE TRAINING: CORE training (formerly Mandated Training) needs to be done every 5 years. 5 Different courses are being offered throughout Saturday Afternoon and Sunday morning which include: Civil Rights Awareness Training (Core), Privacy/Protecting Personal Information (Core), Security Fundamentals Training (Core), Sexual Harassment Training (Core) and Workforce Reliance Training (Core). See specific times for each specific courses on the Training Schedule.
INSTRUCTOR: Don Ladd & Mathias Mulvey
C-SCHOOL (INFORMATION & APPLICATION): The Coast Guard offers 10 C-Schools that are 3-5 days in length. The classes provide training specific to an area that an Auxiliarist chooses to focus on. The course matrix can be found on The various courses that are available will be explained in detail, as well as the requirements and the process of application. C-Schools are fully funded courses that include airfare, hotel and per diem expenses. Short Term Training Requests will be completed.
DINING ETIQUETTER FOR OFFICERS: Ever wonder what is the correct way to do something when you are in the company of Active Duty? This session on Social Communication and Etiquette will give you the skills and confidence you need.
DIVERSITY: Class addresses what is Diversity and how the 3 Star Diversity Award program meets the needs of the Auxiliary. Time to spread the word about the importance of Diversity as well as recruit more members to become active in the Diversity program.
DIVISION COMMANDERS NUTS & BOLTS: These courses are designed to give insight into the day to day operation of your unit, questions that come up frequently, materials you can have handy to answer questions without doing research each time. Also covered will be Information that is helpful in setting up a Change of Watch; running a meeting; keeping records of what your unit(s) is doing, in general all the things APC, FLC and other Leadership Courses don’t mention. Each attendee from D1N will leave with book for their office with copies of all pertinent materials. These courses are geared to Leadership in D1N, Leadership from D1S are welcome as well but will not receive a book as the materials in the book pertain to D1N procedures.
INSTRUCTOR: Commodore Carolyn Belmore
DIVISION COMMANDERS ROUNDTABLE: This session is for all DCDRs, North and South. Come and learn from one another how to have an awesome District. Help one another solve problems with solutions that others have used successfully. This will be an open forum, run by DCDRs for DCDRs.
INSTRUCTOR: District Captain Led
FINANCE OFFICER 101: This class will cover everything you need to know about being the Flotilla or Division Finance Officer. Perfect for New and Current Finance Officers or members thinking about serving in this position.
INSTRUCTOR: Norm Choquette
FLOTILLA COMMANDERS NUTS & BOLTS: These courses are designed to give insight into the day to day operation of your unit, questions that come up frequently, materials you can have handy to answer questions without doing research each time. Also covered will be Information that is helpful in setting up a Change of Watch; running a meeting; keeping records of what your unit(s) is doing, in general all the things APC, FLC and other Leadership Courses don’t mention. Each attendee from D1N will leave with book for their office with copies of all pertinent materials. These courses are geared to Leadership in D1N, Leadership from D1S are welcome as well but will not receive a book as the materials in the book pertain to D1N procedures.
INSTRUCTOR: Commodore Carolyn Belmore
HR INFORMATION FOR FSO AND SO-HR: will provide information for HR Staff Officers and elected officers covering Basic HR procedures & forms (applications, transfers, disenrollment etc.) and the National Lead Tracking System (AAMS).
INSTRUCTOR: Dwayne Roos & Doug Jennell
INCIDENT MANAGEMENT: This presentation will discuss the emerging trends of the Coast Guard Auxiliary in Incident Management, Incident Management System Software (IMSS), the Incident Management Auxiliary Coordination Cell (IMACC), GAP Analysis 2019, and ICS position qualifications to serve within a Unified Command structure.
INTRODUCTION TO AIDS TO NAVIGATION: Learn about the basic aids to navigation, how to identify them and how they are maintained. Learn the difference between Federal Aids TO Navigation (ATON) and Private Aids TO Navigation (PATON). Learn why PATONs are verified by Auxiliary members while ATONs are verified by the Coast Guard. Aside from verifying PATONs, AVs are asked to do Bridge Surveys and Chart Updates, learn about these programs. Information and the process will be provided to the member on how to become an Aid Verifier in your District.
INSTRUCTOR: David Marriott
IS FOR NEW MEMBERS & REVIEW FOR ALL: Learn all basics of reporting your time and activity to your IS Officer and why time reporting is so important to the Coast Guard. You will also learn how your time and activities and some additional resources available to the member to enable you to more effectively participate as a Coast Guard Auxiliarist
INSTRUCTOR: Laurel Carlson
MARINE SAFETY: Learn how to identify marine pollution and threats of marine pollution from the air, land, and afloat, and how to properly document and report marine pollution to the Coast Guard. In addition, this course will give students a background in the laws governing pollution prevention and how to engage with boaters about preventing marine pollution. This course will benefit those interested in entering the Auxiliary Marine Safety Program, as well those working on Pollution Responder and Prevention Outreach Specialist qualifications. In addition, Coxswains, Boat Crew Members, Air Observers, and those who conduct shoreside Harbor Patrols will greatly benefit from this training.
INSTRUCTORS: Harlan Doliner & George Marrash
MARITIME DOMAIN AWARENESS: The Maritime Domain Awareness workshop will provide you with the history and development of the suite of USCG domain observation programs asked of we Auxiliarists – MDA, Focused Lens and Harbor Patrol (HARPAT.) Observation techniques will be discussed and explained as well as practical applications of these techniques. “War stories” from the field will be discussed too.
MARLINSPIKE SEAMANSHIP: This hands on class with teach you how to the tie knots you need to know including a 3 line splice and line handling. A fun, informative class to attend taught by an expert!
INSTRUCTOR: Joseph Escalada
MULTIGENERATIONAL: class will Identify defining characteristics of the 4 generations in the workforce. It will identify how the formation of worldview impacts a generation. It will also Identify issues or situations that may influence generational differences and finally will Integrate practical tips for bridging the gap in the multi-generational workforce.
INSTRUCTORS: Bruce Buckley
NEW MEMBER TRAINING (PART 1 & 2): Required for New Members on orders from D1S and open to all who wish to learn more about Program Opportunities (getting involved), Courtesy & Protocol, Uniforms, and Time Reporting.
INSTRUCTOR: Doug Jennell, Sheri Kisver & Ray Birnbaum
OPERATIONS (OPS) WORKSHOP: The Surface Operations workshop is or all involved in the 2019 surface operational season. This is geared to all Auxiliarists maintaining Quals as Crew, PWO, PWOT, and Coxswain.
INSTRUCTOR: Commodore Ron Booth & Joe Hogan
PADDLECRAFT: Aux Pad session consists of the Paddlers Guide to Safety, Along with the Vessel Safety Check work shop. These two session will be incorporated into the one session. The combined session will cover how you teach your class to your students. Any Member wanting to teach this course and any member wanting to do VSC on Paddlecraft should attend this very informative session. It will also include: What you need to know to stay safe on the water such as: What equipment you need to be safe on the water, How to self rescue, How you should do a VSC on a paddlecraft and What you need to know about a paddlecraft.
INSTRUCTORS: Bob Amiro & Glen Gayton
PROGRAM VISITOR (PV) WORKSHOP: Prerequisite to this class: The PV Trainee must be either BQ or AUXOP qualified –PV Trainee must pass the on-line exam and an AUXDATA Member Training Report must be submitted to Training Session Instructor verifying the successful completion of the PV Test. Class will be limited to the first 8 members who complete the prerequisite and register. This 50 minute session will prepare potential PV Trainees through roll play/workshops to meet with business owners and managers. Trainees will then go with a Qualified PV during the day to meet with business owners and managers to complete their 5 PVs and complete their PSQ and become Qualified.
INSTRUCTOR: Ray Julian and Rodney Johnson
PROTOCOL: This training Session will be your course on everything you want and need to know on Military Protocol., Service Etiquette, ranks and rates.
RECRUITING & MENTORING NEW MEMBERS: In 2019 a National program will be launched to focus member mindshare and resources on the now mission critical issue of declining Auxiliary membership. This initiative will impact the Auxiliary organization from top to bottom. This workshop will help members understand how they can participate in this mission and learn how proven Best Practices can be immediately implemented at the Flotilla and Division level to improve new member recruiting performance.
INSTRUCTOR: Bruce Buckley
REPORTING TIME & ACTIVITIES: "The "Must Attend" class for new members. Our time and accomplishments as Auxiliarists are counted and reported to the Coast Guard who uses the information to report to Congress, get budget allocation, realign resources within the Sector and plan for Training and resources to support the Auxiliary. It is very important that members report their time and activities completely and accurately. This session for new members will discuss the basics of time reporting including what activities to report and how to report. We will also look at how to report so that the members maintain qualification in a number of Auxiliary programs. There will be some hands-on exercises and plenty of opportunity for questions."
INSTRUCTOR: Laurel Carlson
RETENTION & MENTORING CURRENT MEMBERS: In 2019 a National program will be launched to focus member mindshare and resources on the now mission critical issue of declining Auxiliary membership. This initiative will impact the Auxiliary organization from top to bottom. This workshop will help members understand how they can participate in this mission. The challenge of a declining membership is a complex issue. Some we can manage and control i.e. recruiting new members and retaining tenured members. This workshop will discuss Best Practices for mentoring tenured members in effort to have them remain involved and committed.
INSTRUCTOR: Bruce Buckley
SHIP IDENTIFICATION (WHAT SHIP IS THAT?): Can you tell the difference between a tanker and a general cargo ship? Can you identify a Medium Endurance Cutter? Whether you’re on a surface patrol, conducting a dock walk or performing vessel exams or program visitor activities, there is always the chance that you may see something that prompts you to call into the Sector Command Center or to one of our Stations. In doing so, we want to be more professional than just saying that you see a potential issue with “a big, red boat” instead of properly identifying the vessels involved. This overview course will enable Auxiliarists to do determine what type of ships they see.
INSTRUCTORS: Harlan Doliner & Ryan Doliner
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: This training will be of interest and benefit to all Members. It will address the general principles of being “aware of one’s surroundings”, understanding what awareness is and how we can determine what is really going on. What is suspicious activity? How do we respond to it? How do we protect ourselves from harm and criminal activity? The importance of “See something…Say something.” The training will cover the reality base of why criminal activity succeeds in an unsuspecting world and what we can do to protect our Auxiliary Members, Families and Community.
SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR CAMERA PHONE: Nowadays, most of us keep our phones with us all the time, which means most of us have a camera with us all the time too. And because of the advances in smartphone design, that camera does a pretty decent job! Awesome shots are now within your reach, everywhere you go. You can easily practice your craft and add to your visual record – every single day. This session will provide a general overview of how to improve your photography skills when using a smartphone. Emphasis will be placed on motivating members to help increase their knowledge with their "nitty gritty" of smartphone photography – how to take a great shot on your phone and what editing apps to use.
INSTRUCTOR: Rich Mihalcik
SUBMITTING ARTICLES TO NOR'EASTER & OTHER PUBLICATIONS: This experiential, hands-on, no lecture workshop will make you glad that you stuck around on Sunday morning before heading home. It is intended for Publications Officers at any level, FSO-PB and up, plus any and all Auxiliarists interested in writing and submitting articles for print and digital publications such as "Nor'Easter," "The Navigator," other magazines, local newspapers, and Flotilla newsletters. Attendees will make use of a fact scenario and provided photographs to work together, collectively, to write and polish a 1-2 page sample article for publication. Attendees also will receive a memory stick with Public Affairs/Publications guidelines, legal requirements, photography tips, and other information to make use of when writing articles for internal and external publications following the workshop. Come join in on the fun. Release the inner writer.
TCT REFRESHER (PART 1 & 2): This session replaces the 1 HR and 4 HR TCT that have been part of many Qualifications. You must also complete Introduction to Risk Management either on line or at 0900 at DTrain. Risk Management/ TCT training acknowledges our past. We can learn from past mistakes , because there are things we can do today to minimize the likely hood of being involved in a mishap. This training will introduce concepts, strategies and tools to leverage and incorporate Risk Management into all aspects of mission activates. This is a facilitated course where student participation is critical to understanding and conducting the 5 stages of RM by looking at the four mission stages.
INSTRUCTOR: Commodore Eugene Bernstein
TELECOMMUNICATIONS: In this Session you will learn what Auxiliary Communications involves and how we are and can be an asset to Active Duty. Why TCO training is needed and how it is used. New uses of communications for the Auxiliary and Active Duty as well as evaluating and testing of new technologies and equipment. Come and learn how to get involved in the area of Communications. Interested? Then this session is for you!
INSTRUCTORS: David Clinton & Andrew Ely
TRAINING FOR STAFF OFFICERS: A class designed to teach incoming staff officers about the expectations and general procedures of holding an appointed position, as well as, how to work with your staffers and unit leadership. An ideal class if you are considering volunteering to become or are currently a staff officer.
INSTRUCTORS: District Chief of Staff Byron Moe & District Chief of Staff Mark Stone
WRITING FOR PUBLICATIONS: This experimental, hands-on, no lecture workshop will make you glad you attended. It is intended for Publications Officers at any level, FSO-PB and up, plus any and all Auxiliarists interested in writing and submitting articles for print and digital publications such as “Nor’ Easter, “The Navigator”, other magazines, local newspapers and Flotilla Newsletters. Attendees will make use of a fact scenario and provided photographs to work with, collectively, to write and polish a 1-2 page sample article for publication. Attendees will also receive a memory stick with Public Affairs/Publications guidelines, legal requirements, photography tips, and other information to make use of when writing articles for internal and external publications following the workshop. Come join in on the fun.
Class Room Assignments:
A classroom for each subject being taught within each session will be assigned following the close of registration.
Event materials received at D-Train will include:
A name tag
A list of those classes for which you registered
The room assignment for each class
Tickets for any meals purchased
A map of the facility for your review and use Note: Which can also be found below
The event registration table at D-Train will open at 1500hrs on Thursday March 3, 2021. All members are required to show either a current Auxiliary ID and/or drivers license when picking up event materials.
Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at XXXXXX@.XXX and via the Contact us page found via the link at the top of the page.
PLEASE NOTE: No admittance will be granted to any training session to anyone not wearing their event tag
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